Ip pbx

I am sorry if this question has been asked before, but does Asterisk support or is Asterisk an IP PBX system?
I just started working at this company I am with now and Asterisk is what they were hoping to implement as a fully VoIP system. I had not heard of Asterisk till I started here, so I started to read and research on it, I like what I have read so far, have not read a huge amount. What did catch me was that it was a PBX system. Knowing that the company wants to go full VoIP I just want to make sure before putting forth the time and effort.
Thank you in advance for any and all input.

Asterisk is whatever you want it to be. Either fully or partially voip. It will integrate with voip trunks or any of the telco trunks, or a combination of them. Internally, it’s basically the same. Using all sorts of phones.