Installing app_switch on 1.8.3 causing installation error


I downloaded the package for Asterisk 1.8.3 and Cepstral is already install and I am able to create the wav file from prompt.

This app_swift is causing the installation issue

[[color=#FF0000]root@svr04 app_swift-2.0.1-ast1.8]# make install

gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o -L/opt/swift/lib -lswift -lceplang_en -lceplex_us app_swift.o
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /opt/swift/lib/ when searching for -lswift
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lswift
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1
[root@svr04 app_swift-2.0.1-ast1.8]# gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o -L/opt/swift/lib -lswift -lceplang_en -lceplex_us app_swift.o
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /opt/swift/lib/ when searching for -lswift
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lswift
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status[/color]
any help or direction in this regard is highly appreciated.

Some problem with the swift library:

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /opt/swift/lib/ when searching for -lswift
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lswift

thanks for the reply, any direction or instruction to solve this particular issue
the cepstral is installed in /opt/swift/

Are there different versions of swift? The that you’re trying to build doesn’t like linking against the one you’ve got installed. Apologies, I’m not familiar with app_swift, so I’m just guessing.

I see this is a cross-post from here: … tion-error

Any Trixbox users want to chime in with assistance? I don’t have any knowledge in that space.

I am not a trixbox user. Yes I posted the similar post there in the hope to get some assistance from the community as well.
I apologized If the terms of this forum been violated.

You haven’t violated the terms, it’s just not always the best form to cross-post in multiple locations. If you’re a Trixbox user, going to the Trixbox forums is probably the best place to go - if you get an answer at all there, things seem to have slowed down on those forums.

Certainly I am not a trixbox user. I am doing pure asterisk compiled form source.