I’ve just setup asterisk and register two phones. When I try to call a phone with the other…I always hear the message that telling me that asterisk is install and offer me to make some test like dial 500 to call digium test server…but if I go on the console and type the command dial ext@profile, the console can call the phone…so can someone tells me why each other phone always get the greetings instead of calling the other phone?
you need to create extensions.conf entries in the same context for each phone. Both phones must also be in that context or one linked to it.
in sip.conf, put each phone in
then in extensions.conf
exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1234,20)
exten => 4312,1,Dial(SIP/4312,20)
etc etc
The console always give me this error when I’m calling the set 2200 with the set 2100 :
Starting USTM/105@Mat-0 at default,2200,1 failed so falling back to exten ‘s’
The extensions.conf is ok, I’m using two unistim sets…here’s the two configuration files…
line => 105
line => 106
exten => 2100,1,Dial(USTM/105@Mat)
exten => 2200,1,Dial(USTM/106@joe)
Just a thought.
Under your [default] setup in extensions.conf is the
include => demo
set ?
If yes, then uncomment the incude => demo with a semi-colon and see if this will solve the automated greeting issue.