I know I have raised thsi before without success… This is really getting to me!
I am trying to receive FAX over a SIP connection. I am using
NVFaxDetect as described in
What happens is that the function says it recognises a FAX but then says there is nbo fax extension; but there is
Dialplan sections where FAX is mentioned
[ Context ‘vfax’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
‘300’ => 1. ringing()
2. wait(3)
3. Answer()
4. AbsoluteTimeout(35)
5. SetVar(FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif)
6. rxfax(${FAXFILE}|debug)
‘T’ => 1. Hangup()
‘h’ => 1. system(echo Fax from ${CALLERIDNUM} in ${FAXFILE} | /usr/bin/mail -s incoming-Fax jpff)
‘s’ => 1.SetVar(FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif)
2. rxfax(${FAXFILE}|debug)
[ Context ‘incoming’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
‘7625624’ =>1. Wait(3)
2. Answer()
3. Playtones(ring)
4. NVFaxDetect(10|dt)
5. StopPlaytones()
6. Playback(codemist_ltd)
7. Playback(noFax)
8. Hangup()
‘fax’ => 1. goto(vfax|s|1)
2. Hangup()
‘s’ => 1. Wait(3)
2. Answer()
3. NVBackgroundDetect(codemist_ltd)
4. Dial(SIP/jpff-phone&SIP/lap-phone&SIP/aff-phone|20|tr)
5. VoiceMail(u9999)
6. Hangup()
105. VoiceMail(b9999)
106. Hangup()
Calls are from Sipgate.co.uk and the fax line is 7625624
System is Debian, asterisk from apt-get with NV plugins