Looking for some advice on how to troubleshoot:
I’m running AAH, with asterisk 1.2.1
I connect via IAX2 to my service provider (http://unlimitel.ca/). My AAH box is behind a router/firewall and I have a DHCP connection through a cable ISP.
Everything works fine… except that every once in a while (sometimes as short as 48 hours; more typically: once every 2-3 weeks), the connection to my IAX service provider fails (he says my box isn’t registering with his * server). I reboot and everything is fine.
I have an inkling that it occurs when I get an updated DHCP lease/address from my ISP, but haven’t been able to confirm that, and besides, I thought IAX was DHCP/NAT agnostic.
My IAX service provider says he’s seen this with a couple of other customers but hasn’t been able to solve it.
Is there a way of forcing a re-register with my service provider - something I could hack into a Cron script?
thanks in advance