i’v installed asterisk and it’s running well
now i want to make a VOIP calls over internet using asterisk as a VOIP provider i give it a public IP and 256 kbps bandwidth and then i tried to make just 1 call between 2 SIP phones or 2 IAX phones using (GSM codec) i get a very bad voice quality.
so would u plz give me anyhint 2 fix it if there is any1 know or tried 2 use asterisk as a VOIP provider
thank you
we don’t charge you by the character here !!
your first stop should be the sticky at the top of the forum … visit the wiki, read the free book then you’ll know more, and have a better idea of what issues you’re up against.
to further your query you’ll need to post log fragments, server details, firewall/NAT/QoS setup details. you might also want to start first by connecting a single UA and getting Asterisk to stream audio back to you, or use the Echo application.
btw, in general, softphones aren’t going to give you anywhere near the quality you might be used to.