How to set the different ringtone for internal and external calls

Hi all… I’m using issabelpbx with asterisk 18. I need to set the different ringtone for extension to extension calls and outside incoming calls. Is anyone did that before kindly help into this

You need the Issabel support forum for this, as the question isn’t about Asterisk, but about the Issabel dialplan and how its GUI manipulates it.

(I believe it is a fork of FreePBX, which also has its own forum, but they may well direct you to the same place, of give advice which is not valid for Issabel.)

Please check yours IP Phone. It’s something that can be done inside the IP telephone configuration panel

SIP does not indicates whether calls are internal or external, so the phone cannot do anything without help from the PABX. Most phone respond to some form of Alert Info header, but I think that is a de facto, not an actual standard. If this were pure Asterisk, and one was up to date on channel drivers, one would have the dialplan work out whether it was internal, then use a pre-dial handler on Dial to run PJSIP_HEADER, to add the appropriate header, for the phone.

But the asterisk is part of issabelpbx so that’s why I have raised this question. So I have 1200 extensions registered in my application. 400 are IP phones and others are connected via fxs gateway. So any other options to fix this issue?

We are using grandstream ip phones and inside the phone there is an option for call ringing. there are 3 types of ringing but I need ringtone.

David , as usual, is right “SIP does not indicates whether calls are internal or external,” but…TThere should be a section for callerid recognition… if you have 2XX type extensions they can be put in the ringtone section to differentiate… If however this menu does not exist, there is the possibility of having to add a sip header to distinguish calls between internal and external, but on Asterisk you do it in the Dialplan, on Issabel you have to search…

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