Hello everyone! We need an advice.
We are trying to create a software for Symbian phones that interfaces with Asterisk and runs various types of Action AMI. Among these we would need to launch the Action “redirect” but need the option “Channel”. The problem is that Asterisk call ID changes with each channel on and so we wanted to ask if it is possible to unambiguously and statically set the ID for a certain channel.
Otherwise we should first get the name of the channel including ID and the strange thing is that, by launching the Action “getVar” with Variable Channel, this returns the name of the channel only if we set the name of the channel in the Channel option that would be optional. For example we have had these results:
Action: GetVar
Variable: Channel
Response: Success
Variable: Channel
Value: (null)
Action: GetVar
Channel: SIP/6000-00000008
Variable: Channel
Response: Success
Variable: Channel
Value: SIP/6000-00000008
How to get through AMI channel name without knowing a priori? Consider that commands like “SIP show peers” or similar return output too large for our needs (we have to put the AMI response into a string, go to extract the channel name from the sring, copy it in another string and use it in Redirect Channel option). Thank you very much in advance for your help.