How to secure access to PSTN line through Linksys gateway?


I successfully hooked up a Linksys 3102 SIP gateway ( … 02_lrg.jpg) to an Asterisk server, but since it’s connected to a PSTN line, I must make sure it cannot be used by unauthorized users from the Net. Actually, even legit users with an account on the Asterisk server shouldn’t be able to use it (outgoing calls should go through a VoIP provider instead).

Does someone know what steps must be taken in Asterisk and on the Linksys to secure access to the Linksys box?

Thank you.

Router: I suppose you are fine if you do not open any incoming ports, especially 5060 which is used by VoIP phones to connect to Asterisk.
Asterisk: Then there’s incoming calls. This is independent of the network infrastructure. You need to separate incoming/outgoing/internal contexts in your dialplan. Includes are used for that.

exten => s,1,Answer()

include => outbound

exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(…

The book “Asterisk, the future of telephony” explains this.

And a great book too. The perfect reference tool for me.

Unfortunately, I have to open UDP 5060 as remote users must register with the Asterisk server to be part of a group ring that is called when PSTN calls come in through the Linksys.

OK. I’ll add contexts to that purpose.

Thank you.

[quote=“vincentdelporte”]remote users must register with the Asterisk server to be part of a group ring that is called when PSTN calls come in through the Linksys.[/quote] I see. Hmm, I did not set up VPN for VoIP ever, but here’s an article which might give you a start: … our_d.html
Hope this helps.

Thanks. I don’t know if it’s worth it to go all the way and deploy VPN’s just to route SIP calls, but I’ll check it out.