How to completly deactivate SIP-INFO


i dont wanna use INFO for DTMF so i set dtmfmode to rfc2833 in general section of sip.conf

but asterisk always allows INFO-Method in the header
so it’s possible that UAC will automatic choose INFO for DTMF

can i remove the method somehow? or can i force the uac to use rfc2833?

i am running latest 1.4



disallowed_methods = INFO


doesn’t work
i think this option isn’t available in 1.4
i copied & pasted it in general section.


It’s not a 1.4 option.

Take it out of the #define ALLOWED_METHODS listing from chan_sip.c


… and re-compile!

that makes more sense =)

would be great if you don’t need tp re-compile.

thanks anyway. i appreciate it.