How to compile Asterisk 1.4.9 with Open H323

Hi All,

This is my topic which explain how to compile Asterisk 1.4.9 with Open H323.

Hi Hope that can help you!

Constantin Cyril.

I following the link to compile the pwlib and OpenH323 without any problems, However, when I compile the asterisk ( after make menuselect and choose H323), the first make command gave me the following error, what could be the problem ?

make[1]: *** [h323/libchanh323.a] Error 1
make: *** [channels] Error 2



Thanks for your reply, I followed exactly the link. the first time, I wget into /usr/src directory. I got this error. Today, I wget into /root, I got the same error. Can someone help ? Thanks.

touch cisco-h225.cxx
g++ -DNDEBUG -I…/…/include -include …/…/include/asterisk/autoconfig.h -fPIC -DP_USE_PRAGMA -D_REENTRANT -Wall -fPIC -DPIC -I/usr/share/pwlib//include -DPTRACING -I/root/openh323_v1_18_0/include -Os -pipe -felide-constructors -c cisco-h225.cxx -o cisco-h225.o
touch caps_h323.cxx
g++ -DNDEBUG -I…/…/include -include …/…/include/asterisk/autoconfig.h -fPIC -DP_USE_PRAGMA -D_REENTRANT -Wall -fPIC -DPIC -I/usr/share/pwlib//include -DPTRACING -I/root/openh323_v1_18_0/include -Os -pipe -felide-constructors -c caps_h323.cxx -o caps_h323.o
ar crv libchanh323.a ./ast_h323.o ./compat_h323.o ./cisco-h225.o ./caps_h323.o
a - ./ast_h323.o
a - ./compat_h323.o
a - ./cisco-h225.o
a - ./caps_h323.o

********** Re-run ‘make’ to pick up H.323 parameters **********

make[1]: *** [h323/libchanh323.a] Error 1
make: *** [channels] Error 2
[root@ASTEST8 asterisk-1.4.9]#