How do I get to the sip.conf file

I need to modify the the because I’m doing a nat behind a firewall. i don’t know if I go throu the gui or command line wich I really don’t know exactly how to do.

can i ask why you PM’d me this question when you also posted a thread ?

tell use more about your system, what platform you’re using as a workstation, what your skills are as far as command-line tools are and what Asterisk platform you’re using.

sorry about the pmd I’m just presured to resolve this issue. I am an experinced system engineer but do not know linux. So I am not aware of how it works. but i am concern that I’m haveing a problem do to the fire wall and the nat.

you need to answer the questions above. or do i assume you are familiar with Windows only ? if so, you can probably use WinSCP to edit the files, then you can either use a PuTTY session or the console on the Asterisk itself to reload sip with a CLI> sip reload