Hi all,
Im new on Voip and on Asterisk. Just recently found this forum what is very nice.
I have 2 asterisk box’s conencted by IAX2 trunk:
Sipphones -->Asterisk1-Iax2-----><------Iax2-Asterisk2-Sip—>Nat—>Sipprovider -->PSTN
This is my currently setup. But Ive been experienced packet loss on the Asterisk2
- Our Receiver:
SSRC: 205637902
Received packets: 5230
Lost packets: 0
Jitter: 0.0015
Transit: 0.0004
RR-count: 0 - Our Sender:
SSRC: 1479837501
Sent packets: 4948
Lost packets: 16777214
Jitter: 0
SR-count: 20
RTT: 0.001000
sometimes are less like 3 or 4 , sometimes goes to 160. But it seems to not affect the voice conversation. however, I would like to get this way cause it scares me a bit.
Do you have any Ideas that may cause this?
many thanks