Help..No such extension '4398' in context 'local'


I attempting to dial from a normal asterisk box to a asterisk@home box using an IAX trunk. I can now dial from the asterisk@home box to the asterisk box but when I try to dial from the asterisk box I get a fast busy. When I use “CLI> dial 4398” I keep getting “[color=red]No such extension ‘4398’ in context ‘local’[/color]”.

I have the trunk set up. I have no context [local] in my extensions.conf. What do you guys think? Here are my files, I have all pertinant info marked in [color=red]red[/color]. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!




exten => ZXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN})
exten => ZXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN})

exten => 4398,1,Dial(IAX2/test-2-tmc/${EXTEN})[/color]

exten => s,1,Background(beep)
exten => s,2,ResponseTimeout(60)
exten => _x,1,SayDigits(${EXTEN})
exten => _x,2,Goto(testdtmf|s|1)
exten => i,1,Goto(testdtmf|s|1)
exten => t,1,Hangup


exten => 5399,1,voicemailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => 5399,2,Hangup




You answered your own question already by yourself:

Append the context to the dialstring:
CLI> dial 4398@outgoing

Thanks, but why is it looking for the context ‘local’? Should I put a context local over all context in extensions.conf and put “include=local” in the syntax?

The console ALWAYS uses local.

But to be honest, i would avoid the local channel like a plague:
Its buggy and causing many “unwanted” effects.

Define some context (plural) and avoid contextjumping whenever you can.
Makes life much easier in many ways (tracking callflow etc.)

Seperate context (plural) whenever you need to consider security (like outside callers not able to use internal (functions) extensions…) - or outside callers not able to type in an outgoing call whenever a “Waitexten” is encountered.

Esp. the latter is a hole in MANY asterisk installations, where i could call the PBX and “misuse” it as a “proxy” using outgoing lines…

Cool. I did a search in the wiki on “Plural Context” and came-up with nothing. Can you give me an example of the syntax so that I can implement it to my rig?

Thanks for all of your help. We nubes appreciate it. Maybe after I get back from asterisk bootcamp I won’t be such a pain.

Thanks again!

[quote=“rquick”]Cool. I did a search in the wiki on “Plural Context” and came-up with nothing. Can you give me an example of the syntax so that I can implement it to my rig?

Thanks for all of your help. We nubes appreciate it. Maybe after I get back from asterisk bootcamp I won’t be such a pain.

Thanks again![/quote]

ROFL :stuck_out_tongue:

Context (plural) is expressing my lack of the english language, since im from Europe.

I just wanted to say, im talking about “context’s” in its plural.

Got it. I just put:

include => outgoing

in my default context and all is well. Thanks for all the help!