HELP - New Installation Full of Errors

I installed latest AsteriskNow which is bundled with FreePBX. It seems the fresh installation is full of errors that keep getting generated in the error log. Below is a my error log, any ideas how I can get rid of each error? Thanks

[2014-07-08 20:11:11] Asterisk 11.10.2 built by root @ on a x86_64 running Linux on 2014-06-13 19:19:34 UTC

[2014-07-08 20:11:11] ERROR[1702] pbx.c: You have to be kidding-- add exten '' to context app-blacklist? Figure out a name and call me back. Action ignored.

[2014-07-08 20:11:11] ERROR[1702] config_options.c: Unable to load config file 'acl.conf'

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] config_options.c: Unable to load config file 'xmpp.conf'

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] res_calendar.c: Unable to load config calendar.conf

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] pbx_lua.c: Error loading extensions.lua: cannot open '/etc/asterisk/extensions.lua' for reading: No such file or directory

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] res_config_sqlite3.c: Missing config file 'res_config_sqlite3.conf'

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot load configuration file: res_ldap.conf

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot load LDAP RealTime driver.

[2014-07-08 20:11:13] ERROR[1702] res_config_sqlite.c: Unable to load res_config_sqlite.conf

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] chan_mobile.c: No Bluetooth devices found. Not loading module.

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] config_options.c: Unable to load config file 'motif.conf'

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] chan_motif.c: Unable to read config file motif.conf. Not loading module.

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] phone_users.c: accept_outofcall_messages must be enabled in sip.conf for res_digium_phone to function properly

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] cdr_custom.c: Unable to load cdr_custom.conf. Not logging custom CSV CDRs.

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] cel_custom.c: Unable to load cel_custom.conf. Not logging CEL to custom CSVs.

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] cdr_syslog.c: Unable to load cdr_syslog.conf. Not logging custom CSV CDRs to syslog.

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] pbx_dundi.c: Unable to load config dundi.conf

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] chan_unistim.c: Unable to load config unistim.conf

[2014-07-08 20:11:14] ERROR[1702] res_clialiases.c: res_clialiases configuration file 'cli_aliases.conf' not found

[2014-07-08 20:11:15] ERROR[1702] app_amd.c: Configuration file amd.conf missing.

I added the following noload comments in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf:

noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>
noload =>

This has got rid of most of the errors by not loading the problematic modules. I am still left with the following:

[2014-07-08 23:21:07] Asterisk 11.10.2 built by root @ on a x86_64 running Linux on 2014-06-13 19:19:34 UTC
[2014-07-08 23:21:07] ERROR[1704] pbx.c: You have to be kidding-- add exten '' to context app-blacklist? Figure out a name and call me back. Action ignored.
[2014-07-08 23:21:10] ERROR[1704] pbx_lua.c: Error loading extensions.lua: Unable to find 'extensions' table in extensions.lua

[2014-07-08 23:21:11] ERROR[1704] phone_users.c: accept_outofcall_messages must be enabled in sip.conf for res_digium_phone to function properly
[2014-07-08 23:21:11] ERROR[1704] cdr_syslog.c: Unable to load cdr_syslog.conf. Not logging custom CSV CDRs to syslog.

I’m not sure if i’ve disabled any essential key module using the noload syntax. But I didnt want to disabled the, as these sound important for a smooth running asterisk.

I’ve disabled cdr_custom, so wondering if its ok to disable cdr_syslog. Can someone tell me what cdr is?


I wouldn’t try to disable modules.

Look at asterisk.conf, check where asterisk looks for its config file, and why it doesnt find them