Thanks for your reply.
Using Originate manager api i execute these dial plans. It calls any US number and puts it in the conference say test.
exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/+1${EXTEN}@to-bandwidth,60,mt)
exten => _X.,2,NoOp(${DIALSTATUS})
exten => _X.,3,Hangup
exten => _X.,102,NoOp(${DIALSTATUS})
exten => _X.,103,Hangup
exten => h,1,Hangup
exten => _X.,1,Conferene(test/S/1)
exten => h,1,Hangup
From my SIP phone i’m already in the conference test using the below dialplan
exten => 100,1,Conference(test/S/1)
exten => h,1,Hangup
Here are the steps,
- From SIP phone get into the conference test using internal dial plan context.
- Using Originate call my pbx (It’s an Avaya Partner system)
- Once PBX answers the call the call-leg2 executes and puts the call into the conference test. Conference happens successfully.
- Now my sip phone as a paricipant of Conference test hears the voice of my PBX to enter for extension.
- From my SIP phone entering my extension. It doesn’t get recognized.
Asterisk CLI Output
– Executing Conference(“SIP/200-c5c3”, “test/S/1”) in new stack
== Manager ‘admin’ logged on from
– Executing Dial(“Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2”, “SIP/+17033911255@to-bandwidth|60|mt”) in new stack
– Called +17033911255@to-bandwidth
– Started music on hold, class ‘default’, on channel ‘Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2’
– SIP/to-bandwidth-19e8 is making progress passing it to Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2
– doing lookup for ‘’
– SIP/to-bandwidth-19e8 answered Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2
– Stopped music on hold on Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2
> Channel Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,1 was answered.
== Manager ‘admin’ logged off from
– Executing Conference(“Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,1”, “test/S/1”) in new stack
– Executing NoOp(“Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2”, “SIP/to-bandwidth-19e8 <—> ANSWER”) in new stack
– Executing Hangup(“Local/7033911255@call-leg1-d686,2”, “”) in new stack
Apart from my sip phone i also tried with other regular phones. But, it didn’t work…
Also, i tried changing different DTMF mode settings. Still it didn’t work.
On the Asterisk crash problem with your version of Conference happens only on dtmf tones being used but, not without it - right?