[Help] Asterisk Forking


 I'm using asterisk (OS : CentOS 4.3 kernel 2.6.9). When asterisk gets started it's forking nearly 45 processes on zero call. I don't understand why suddenly this is happening?

Can anyone throw some light?

Thanks in Advance,


 I'm using asterisk (OS : CentOS 4.3 kernel 2.6.9). When asterisk gets started it's forking nearly 45 processes on zero call. I don't understand why suddenly this is happening?

Can anyone throw some light?

Thanks in Advance,

Each module that Asterisk loads starts a thread. Take a look at /etc/asterisk/modules.conf to understand what you are loading, are not loading, or how to configure what not to load if you do not need it.

Also, You are probably using pthreads and each thread there shows up as a process this is not really anything to be concerned about. as the previous poster said, check modules.conf to see what you are loading and noload anything you dont need/want.

Also you might want to look at using NPTL if the correct glibc etc builds are available on your system this can greatly improve the performance of multi-threaded software