i have problems in configuring call files by using sip . i want to first dial out of asterisk pbx to an service provider and then want to dial to one of my extentions, defined in extensentions.conf
by using an sample file of call files its giving error saying that call could not be connected
Assuming that your local extensions are kept in the
context called [extensions]
Context: test_in
Extension: 1235
Priority: 1
I receive :
*CLI> – Attempting call on SIP/914084704700@sip_proxy-out for
1235@test_in:1 (Retry 1)
> Channel SIP/sip_proxy-out-1ebf was never answered.
Feb 1 10:06:21 WARNING[6019]: cdr.c:548 ast_cdr_disposition: Cause not
Feb 1 10:06:21 NOTICE[6019]: pbx_spool.c:266 attempt_thread: Call failed to
go through, reason 8
even when i can dial out manually through the same context(sip_proxy-out)
in sip.conf.
Are you saying you are not able to dial out via that SIP proxy via call files or via a SIP endpoint on the Asterisk server? If this is the case, your call file is not the problem and your SIP proxy configuration for that service is. From the information provided it is not possible to determine if you are configured for that SIP proxy properly.