[Feb 17 07:12:46] – Executing [011974XXXXXXXX@secure:1] Dial(“SIP/103-09601228”, “SIP/@vonage-sip|60|r”) in new stack
[Feb 17 07:12:46] – Called @vonage-sip
[Feb 17 07:13:03] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:12] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:37] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:46] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:47] – Nobody picked up in 60000 ms
[Feb 17 07:13:47] == Auto fallthrough, channel ‘SIP/103-09601228’ status is ‘NOANSWER’
[Feb 17 07:13:50] – ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for ‘_sip._udp.sphone.vopr.vonage.net’ mapped to host
Trying to call 011974XXXXXXXX number from Extension 103.
By correcting your dial plan. Without seeing the dialplan, it is difficult to know why you got it wrong. I would start by looking for mis-spellings of ${EXTEN}.