Extension.conf International Calls

Hi to all,

I have a SIP account with Vonage and I have setup Asterisk on it.

Now I have 4 extensions, and they all could call Canadian numbers even long-distance. But when it comes to international.

I can not make any calls. It keeps ringing but no luck.

I have international calls working, if i use my Vonage account setup on my Softphone but not Asterisk.

Thank you in Advance.



I used

exten => _011.
exten => _011XXXXXXXXXXX
exten => _011NXXNXXXXXXX

All did not work, anyone ?

Verbose CLI logs pleaase!

If you had the dialplan pattern wrong, you would get NU, not ringback (SIP 404).

Here is my Log:

[Feb 17 07:12:46] – Executing [011974XXXXXXXX@secure:1] Dial(“SIP/103-09601228”, “SIP/@vonage-sip|60|r”) in new stack
[Feb 17 07:12:46] – Called @vonage-sip
[Feb 17 07:13:03] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:12] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:37] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:46] – SIP/vonage-sip-09608370 is making progress passing it to SIP/103-09601228
[Feb 17 07:13:47] – Nobody picked up in 60000 ms
[Feb 17 07:13:47] == Auto fallthrough, channel ‘SIP/103-09601228’ status is ‘NOANSWER’
[Feb 17 07:13:50] – ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for ‘_sip._udp.sphone.vopr.vonage.net’ mapped to host

Trying to call 011974XXXXXXXX number from Extension 103.

It rings for 60 seconds and hangsup.

Thank you

You’ve sent them an empty dialled digit string. You need to included ${EXTEN} in the Dial() application parameters.

This is what i have in extensions.conf

exten => _011NXXNXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${ENTEN}@vonage-sip,20,r)

and Plus

exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vonage-sip,60,r)
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vonage-sip,60,r)

Works fine when i call north American numbers.

Thank you David.

I see what you are saying now.

For North American numbers. this is the string.

Executing [19051234567@secure:1] Dial(“SIP/103-095eae40”, “SIP/19051234567@vonage-sip|60|r”) in new stack

But international :

Executing [011974123456789@secure:1] Dial(“SIP/103-09601228”, “SIP/@vonage-sip|60|r”) in new stack

I see the SIP/" "@vonage is missing. have not notice that.

How do i fix this.

Thank you David

By correcting your dial plan. Without seeing the dialplan, it is difficult to know why you got it wrong. I would start by looking for mis-spellings of ${EXTEN}.

Yes David,

I just fixed that. I saw it when i was working on this extensions.conf, I should have checked my spelling before even posting anything.

Thank you very much for your help.

You are the best David.

