The Setup
Fax Machine ----> SPA2102 ATA --sip–> Asterisk 1.8 “Proxy” --iax2–> Asterisk 10 T38 Fax Gateway --iax2–> VoIP Provider
In the Asterisk 10 Fax Gateway I’m executing a Set for the following also: FAXOPT(gateway)=yes
Following this I get the following…
[Mar 1 08:56:51] ERROR[28401]: res_fax.c:1014 fax_session_new: Could not locate a FAX technology module with capabilities (V21)
[Mar 1 08:56:51] ERROR[28401]: res_fax.c:3665 acf_faxopt_write: Error attaching T.38 gateway to channel IAX2/faxgateway01-4509
I cannot find anything useful on the net that resolves these errors.
Has anyone found a resolution to them?
Am I making a mistake using iax2 between my 1.8 proxy and the Asterisk 10 Fax Gateway? Does t38 need to operate only over SIP until it hits the T38 Gateway?
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance.
Hmm, I have upgraded to 10.2 and am still encountering the issue. I have not loaded spamdsp (I am using Digium’s FFA instead), is spamdsp required for the T.38 gateway functionality to work? Here is a copy of my debug output:
-- Executing [8729762@Fax-out:1] Verbose("SIP/fax-via-ata-0000000f", "*** Fax out ***") in new stack
*** Fax out ***
[Mar 7 19:27:26] DEBUG[24231]: pbx.c:4371 pbx_extension_helper: Launching ‘Set’
– Executing [8729762@Fax-out:2] Set(“SIP/fax-via-ata-0000000f”, “FAXOPT(gateway)=yes”) in new stack
[Mar 7 19:27:26] DEBUG[24231]: res_fax.c:3636 acf_faxopt_write: channel ‘SIP/fax-via-ata-0000000f’ setting FAXOPT(gateway) to ‘yes’
[Mar 7 19:27:26] ERROR[24231]: res_fax.c:1014 fax_session_new: Could not locate a FAX technology module with capabilities (V21)
[Mar 7 19:27:26] ERROR[24231]: res_fax.c:3670 acf_faxopt_write: Error attaching T.38 gateway to channel SIP/fax-via-ata-0000000f.
[Mar 7 19:27:26] DEBUG[24231]: pbx.c:3380 ast_str_retrieve_variable: Result of ‘LOCAL’ is ‘SIP/att-via-ata’