Hi everybody…Im having this painful error for a couple of days because it doesnt allow me to pass from installing the libpri module in order to keep up within the asterisk installation. When i do make install on the libpri folder using Centos EE this is what comes up:
Note: I already install all the corresponding modules such as gcc, kenels and others.
Another thing is that Im running it on a virtual machine.
Normally after the untar proccess for libpri, what i regularly used to do was to make install on the libpri proccess. It should come an otput specifying that was successfully install but under the make install above thats what it presents pointing to gcc and all that Wall missing error and everything as you can see there. Im not very skillful with Centos so im asking ofr an orientation about waht might cause this errrors, because also I try to install zaptel and asterisk ignoring the libpri error and nothing, the errors are similar.
Hi again! thanks for your reply, didnt mention it aboved, but it was the excitement of problem solving, lol…well here is another thing when I do the make instal command for the first time for libpri I showed u the error I get, but, if I do it for the second time and this is the output:
[root@localhost libpri-]# make install
mkdir -p /usr/lib
mkdir -p /usr/include
install -m 644 libpri.h /usr/include
install -m 755 libpri.so.1.4 /usr/lib
if [ -x /usr/sbin/sestatus ] && ( /usr/sbin/sestatus | grep “SELinux status:” | grep -q “enabled”); then /sbin/restorecon -v /usr/lib/libpri.so.1.4; fi
( cd /usr/lib ; ln -sf libpri.so.1.4 libpri.so)
install -m 644 libpri.a /usr/lib
if test $(id -u) = 0; then /sbin/ldconfig -n /usr/lib; fi
It seems to be something related with status but it might be from the operating system, any ideas??
[quote=“david55”]You need to look at the Asterisk build or install steps, and also make sure that wherever Asterisk is installed is on root’s path.
Typically this will be /usr/sbin, which not normally be on the path if you logged in as an ordinary user and then used su.[/quote]
Thanks for your fast reply.
David look when I installed I was logged as root and my rote to untar the package is /usr/src which is a common directory for this. Is there any command that might need to be set in order to bash recognize this ‘asterisk’ command?
On a normal root account, that example will fail, as, for safety reasons, . is not in the path for root.
For you, I think it would be better to start over and note where there are real errors, or where it actually places the executables. Someone with Linux system management experience might use a different approach.
[quote=“david55”]On a normal root account, that example will fail, as, for safety reasons, . is not in the path for root.
For you, I think it would be better to start over and note where there are real errors, or where it actually places the executables. Someone with Linux system management experience might use a different approach.[/quote]
Well thanks, but I dont know if it has to do something with that Im running Centos on a virtual machine, and is the first time I do it this way. It shouldnt be a problem for asterisk to be run after the installation process, but I think It might be a security issue, besides i although have a couple of months without installing it.
Im gonna keep checking to see if is that if not I will do the whole proccess again and let you know.
Well I remember an old friend of mine installing libpri on a virtual machine, althought you saw the output I got after I did that installation and there is no error on the output according to your answer.
It’s a library, not a device driver. It will install. But you cannot use PRI type devices on a virtual machine, so it is a waste of time installing it.
(Also, if you need dahdi/zaptel-dummy at all, you are likely to find performance poor on a virtual machine. More generally, I would advise against ever installing Asterisk on a virtual machine, in a live environment.)
[quote=“david55”]It’s a library, not a device driver. It will install. But you cannot use PRI type devices on a virtual machine, so it is a waste of time installing it.
(Also, if you need dahdi/zaptel-dummy at all, you are likely to find performance poor on a virtual machine. More generally, I would advise against ever installing Asterisk on a virtual machine, in a live environment.)[/quote]
I understand… Its only for test purposes.
Lets see the most I can do with it about about it and let you know about the ups and downs form it.
Im not intended to use pri cards as I mentioned before its only for practical use and configuring dialplans. Although if you want to save or work with a configuration for installing on a regular OS.