Disable CDR for originate calls


dialplan is looking like

same = n,Set(CDR_PROP(disable=1))
same = n,Originate(${ARG1},app,sendDTMF,w*)
same = n,[Other stuff]
same = n,Return

Behavior of CDR_PROP being the same as NoOp, there is no Hangup here
(there is one later in the context calling this subroutine) so CDRs are

How can I avoid those CDRs ?


If you are referring to a CDR for the originated channel, it’s independent. Recent versions of the Originate dialplan application do have a ‘v’ option for setting channel variables that should also allow dialplan functions, so you could try the CDR_PROP disable with that and see what happens if you’re on a version that supports it.

Perfect solution, job done. For the record:

same = n,originate(${ARG1},app,sendDTMF,w*,v(CDR_PROP(disable)=1))



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