I’m trying to implement a system to place automated calls to users to remind them about their bookings. I need to log the failed calls (busy line, wrong number, …) and the hang-up calls. This is the extension my call file refers to:
exten => s,1,SetGlobalVar(starttime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%Y.%m.%d-%T)})
exten => s,2,Set(CHANNEL(language)=it)
exten => s,3,Answer
exten => s,4,Wait(2)
exten => s,5,Background(mymessage)
exten => s,6,Wait(15)
exten => 1,1,System(log "${starttime}" "${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%Y.%m.%d-%T)}, "Y")
exten => 1,2,Playback(mymessage-thanks_yes-\${GENDER})
exten => 1,3,Playback(mymessageks-goodbye-\${GENDER})
exten => 1,3,Hangup()
exten => 2,1,System(log "${starttime}" "${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%Y.%m.%d-%T)}, "N")
exten => 2,2,Playback(mymessage-thanks_no-\${GENDER})
exten => 2,3,Playback(mymessage-goodbye-\${GENDER})
exten => 2,3,Hangup()
exten => 3,1,Goto(dialout,s,5)
exten => i,1,Playback(mymessage-invalid-\${GENDER})
exten => i,2,Goto(dialout,s,5)
exten => t,1,System(log "${starttime}" "${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%Y.%m.%d-%T)}, "T")
exten => t,2,Playback(mymessage-goodbye-\${GENDER})
exten => h,1,System(log "${starttime}" "${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%Y.%m.%d-%T)}, "F ${REASON}")
exten => failed,1,system(log "${starttime}" "${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%Y.%m.%d-%T)}, "F ${REASON}")
My problem is that I don’t know how to catch (log) calls which are answered and then hung-up before timeout expires (without an answer): they are not “failed” calls… I could use the “h” command, but it is executed on each hung-up…
Do I miss something?
Any hint?