I’ve set up my first Asterisk. One function of the system is to play a sound in about 50 rooms, where each room has a sip-telephone.
So I wrote a python-script which creates for each room a call file with the following content:
Channel: SIP/1337
Application: Playback
Data: my-sound
Priority: 1
This works fine, except that the sound is not played simultaneously in all rooms (only in 3-5 rooms).
I thought the reason for the delay is that the system needs some time for each room to create the call file, move it to the spool-directory and to let asterisk read the file. So my next try was:
Channel: SIP/1337&SIP/1338&SIP/1339&SIP/1340
Application: Playback
Data: my-sound
Priority: 1
to trigger all the calls with one call-file. But with this call-file only one room answers the call.
Isn’t there a solution to start the calls (nearly) simultaneously?
Thansk in advance,