I have an asterisk installation running on an older fedora install through a JetDirect card with Optonline and one line. Asterisk is running on an internal 192.168 network.
I’d like to configure a Polycom IP450 phone on a remote network to connect to this internal network. The remote network uses a Linksys style internal IP router. I don’t know yet what specific router model number is being used for Internet connectivity at the remote location.
Assuming it supports an IPSec VPN, is the best procedure to build a site-to-site VPN between the fedora box using openswan and the IPSec VPN built-in to the Linksys?
Do you know of specific instructions on how this all might be done, including any integration with asterisk? Are there specific things I should know about how to configure asterisk when doing this, or is it just treated as being on the local 192.168 network?