Conferences issues


Your application(s) is (are) not registered

What that means??[/b]

You compiled Asterisk wrong possibly , what does “zap show channels” say ?

and when you compiled you did zaptel first then libpri then asterisk did you ?


The steps to follow are:

  1. zaptel
  2. libpri
  3. asterisk

is this correct?

I don’t have zaptel devices…

You don’t need libpri if you are just going to use ztdummy. You would compile and install zaptel 1st, then asterisk (Don’t forget to ./configure again so it detects the zaptel headers.)

zap show channels should return something like this:

asterisk*CLI> zap show channels Chan Extension Context Language MOH Interpret pseudo default default

Thanks A LOT!!!


[quote]Thanks A LOT!!!

It WORKS!!![/quote]

Does that mean recompilation in the correct order solved it ?
If you had serched the forum you would have found many people with the same problem and the same solution, IE recompile and it worked.
Heres one from a couple a days ago !

Sometimes it can be better to search first as most problems have been seen before, and solved many times over
