CLID not logged in mysql cdr table

i have a problem with CDRs. The caller identification is not logged in the table. Rest everything works fine. The caller ids i configured in sip.conf are like callerid = (“Exten 5” <5803>). In the cdr_manager.conf the statement for call id includes ${CDR(clid)}. But in the table it shows null in the whole clid column. The datatype i used for callerid column is varchar(80). The table is of the following order
idcdr, calldate, clid, src, dst, dcontext, channel, dstchannel, lastapp, lastdata, duration, billsec, disposition, amaflags, accountcode, userfield, uniqueid

the idcdr is a primary key and starts with 1 and is set to auto_increment.

in cdr_manager.conf, the fields are like:

Master.csv => “${CDR(clid)}”,"${CDR(src)}","${CDR(dst)}","${CDR(dcontext)}","${CDR(channel)}","${CDR(dstchannel)}","${CDR(lastapp)}","${CDR(lastdata)}", “${CDR(start)}”,"${CDR(answer)}","${CDR(end)}","${CDR(duration)}","${CDR(billsec)}","${CDR(disposition)}","${CDR(amaflags)}","${CDR(accountcode)}",

here is one row of cdr table
| idasteriskcdrdb1 | calldate | clid | src | dst | dcontext | channel | dstchannel | lastapp | lastdata | duration | billsec | disposition | amaflags | accountcode | userfield | uniqueid |
| 1 | 2011-07-06 13:59:45 | NULL | 5702 | 5701 | incoming3 | SIP/5702-00000000 | NULL | VoiceMail | 5701@default,u | 2 | 2 | ANSWERED | 3 | NULL | NULL | 1309942785.0 |

the userfield and accountfield are also always null. kindly help me out.

solved. just commented the following line in my cdr_mysql.conf and clid is getting recorded in the database.

alias callerid => clid

Thanks for posting the solution, I had this exact problem.