How could called party send calling party to another channel using ChannelRedirect?
Please help
Blind transfer to dialplan that does the channel redirect.
Why do you want to do this? What’s wrong with normal blind and attended transfers?
Why did you ask here, rather than Asterisk Support.
[quote=“david55”]Blind transfer to dialplan that does the channel redirect.
Why do you want to do this? What’s wrong with normal blind and attended transfers?
Why did you ask here, rather than Asterisk Support.[/quote]
I’m sorry,I just need help…
I just want to work 3way conference out,but it starts with the general call,so I want the called party redirect the calling party using ChannelRedirect(the calling party can redirect the called party ),and I find someone also has this problem…
For a three way conference use the meetme application in Asterisk, or use the phone’s own conference capability.
I was confusing ChannelRedirect with Bridge. There should be no need to execute ChannelRedirect as the only action in the dial plan. You should use the phone’s transfer capabilities.
Thank you very much!