chan_pjsip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with PJSIP


I am running Asterisk 13.1-cert2 with PJSIP 2.4.

Anytime I place a PJSIP to our SIP trunk provider, a ton of these error messages appear on the CLI.
The syntax is: Dial(PJSIP/trunkprovider/3101231234)

[Jul 9 23:34:09] WARNING[4033][C-00000002]: chan_pjsip.c:707 chan_pjsip_write: Can’t send 10 type frames with PJSIP
[Jul 9 23:34:09] WARNING[4033][C-00000002]: chan_pjsip.c:707 chan_pjsip_write: Can’t send 10 type frames with PJSIP
[Jul 9 23:34:09] WARNING[4033][C-00000002]: chan_pjsip.c:707 chan_pjsip_write: Can’t send 10 type frames with PJSIP

These messages do not appear when doing an endpoint to endpoint call.
The syntax is: Dial(PJSIP/100)

Does anyone know what these messages mean ?


Those are comfort noise frames. Does the same problem occur with chan_sip, did it occur in earlier versions?

Hello Joshua!

Thank you for your response! I didn’t compile SIP… I read that PJSIP is now the future of Asterisk; so I completely embraced the change and also made SIP history on my Asterisk boxes !! Would you advice to have both compiled on the same Asterisk platform ?

With regards to comfort noise; is there anything in the configuration that can be made to remove those warnings, or change the configuration that makes Asterisk detect the frames as an issue ?

Thanks again for your help !

There’s no configuration really to control this. I was asking about chan_sip because it may be a regression.