Hello everyone,
I have problems with chan_misdn - misdn kernel modules are loaded properly, but when I am making incomign call I get following error [quote]chan_misdn.c:4274 cb_events: Extension can never match, so disconnecting on port(1).maybe you want to add an ‘i’ extension to catch this case[/quote] I also can’t make outgoing calls on mISDN/1,
I use mISDN-1.1.5 and asterisk 1.4 from svn (r74515). I have one PCI TE card, AVM Fritz! BRI.
Port 1: TE-mode BRI S/T interface line (for phone lines)[/quote]
Please help me with this problem. Here are my configuration files and debug output :
asterisk misdn.conf
Thanks in advace for your help.