Can't load res_fax_digium because of copy protection

I am having a problem with Free Fax for Asterisk module. I went through all the installation steps. I only have a problem with loading the module. It has something to do with copy protection but I can’t figure it out. I set SELinux to permissive, I gave 777 rwx rights to all the folder and files in /var/lib/asterisk/licenses/FFA-LICENSE_FILE.lic and nothing helps. Does anyone else have a clue of what might be going on?

module load
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2536 load_module: Digium FAX technology module version 11.0_1.3.1, Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Digium, Inc.
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2539 load_module: This module is supplied under a commercial license granted by Digium, Inc.
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2540 load_module: Please see the full license text supplied by the accompanying
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2541 load_module: "register" utility, or ask for a copy from Digium.
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2544 load_module: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2545 load_module: for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
NOTICE[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2546 load_module: Copyright (C) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project

  == res_fax_digium Host-ID: my_id (matches the one in .lic file)
WARNING[22387]: res_fax_digium.c:2494 handle_cp: Failed to initialize res_fax_digium copy protection!
  == res_fax_digium limiting support to 0 sessions
    -- Registered handler for 'DIGIUM' (Digium FAX Driver)
  == Manager registered action FaxLicenseStatus
  == Manager registered action FaxLicenseList
 Loaded => (Digium G.711 and T.38 FAX Technologies (optimized for core2_32))

The result is that I can’t receive faxes, because the license didn’t load (0 channels are available - should be 1 channel).

I was able to figure out what was the problem. The main cause of the problem is that I am installing Asterisk on a non-standard place. And that caused a problem with fax licenses.

In short, when loads, it searches for a license in the folder that is defined by astvarlibdir parameter that is in asterisk.conf. The full path to the license is astvarlibdir_folder/licenses. If it does not find the license there, it throws the “Failed to initialize res_fax_digium copy protection!”.

My solution was to copy the content of /var/lib/asterisk/licenses to the another_path_to_asterisk_var_lib/licenses. After that unload and load work perfectly.