Trying to get the status of an endpoint using pjsip, but so far not having any luck.
If I use 'pjsip show contact ’ it returns ‘Status’ and ‘RTT(ms)’
From what I understand PJSIP_CONTACT function should be able to return this data, however I am not able to find any ‘objects’ to work for me, or found any relevant examples online anywhere.
NoOp(Test: ${PJSIP_CONTACT(trunk/sip:,status)}) doesn’t work
NoOp(Test: ${PJSIP_CONTACT(trunk/sip:,user_agent)}) saw this example somewhere, doesn’t work
NoOp(Test: ${PJSIP_CONTACT(trunk/sip:,rtt)}) doesn’t work
pjsip show contact trunk/sip: returns:
Contact: trunk/sip: 88c424b1fa Avail 4.30
Any suggestions or alternate function to get this information would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.