Hi, here is my problem-
I can call outside via my asterisk from any extension, but when I would make a phone call inside from my cell phone for example, I have my VOIP provider (via their asterisks) picking up the line and saying to me “the user at extension my phone # is not available”…
even it looks like I am registered…
sip show registry
Host Username Refresh State Reg.Time
voip.myprovider.com:5060 my phone # 105 Registered Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:42:41
[b]sip show peers
Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status
voip.myprovider.com_out/my phone # voip.myprovider.com 5060 OK (12 ms)
2000/2000 D 5060 OK (191 ms)[/b]
I am trying to setup a call from outsite to my extension 2000
here is the line in my extensions.conf for that purpose-
exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/2000)
Any idea?