Can I bind together TextToSpeech, Voice Recognition and *?

Can I bind together TextToSpeech, Voice Recognition and * ?
How ?
Must I pay for it? How much? Which products?

I’ve searched and found Cepstral TTS for about 700$
( 200$ for Audio Distribution License, 90$ for Concurrency License, 90$ for 3 voices and 300$ for SDK)
and when I tested on the net, the demo stalled to much for me.
Thats not all. If they release a new version all users must? register and pay again.
Thank you vm Cepstral I won’t buy.

Sphinx AVR is free

if i manage to tune them i’ll be back.

'cause i’m from Greece i’d like greek language with my tts.
festival uses mbrola’s voices but doesn’t support them all.