Call-limit in sip.conf

Hi all,

I am using Asterisk-1.4.43 . I have put call-limit on sip device as follows.

call-limit = 1

AS I found in call-limit with type=friend we can have 1 incoming and 1 outgoing call simultaneously. Is there any way to limit is to only 1 call whether it is a outgoing or incoming? means when sip device is having one active call (Either incoming or outgoing) it should not allow second call (incoming or outgoing). means I need combined call-limit for inbound and outbound.

Thanks in advance

Vijay Goyal

I think that in Asterisk 1.8 call-limit works just the way you want it.

you need to change type to type=peer.
type=friend is the same as type=peer+user, so you get separate counters for each.

if I put type=peer agent will not be able to dial out!!! My sip device can be used for incoming or outgoing but 1 at a time.

I also upgraded to Asterisk-1.8 same issue. Any other solution?

If you can not dial out when you switch type to peer, there is something wrong with your device. I would suggest looking into nat settings or adding insecure=port to the peer definition.
What is your sip device ?


It worked in asterisk-1.8

Thanks for your reply