Asterisk to Toshiba Integration

Hi all,

We currently have a Toshiba CIX 670 and I am interested in migrating slowly to asterisk.

Currently my Toshiba handles about 150 digital phones and maybe a dozen VOIP phones. Toshiba’s VOIP has been somewhat unreliable, which is why I want to get asterisk in the mix.

The first phase I would like to complete here is to hook up an asterisk PBX to my Toshiba via a PRI card. Once we get the machines talking I’d like to make soft phones available to my users, so everyone will have the choice between a digital phone on their desk, or can opt to make calls using a soft phone on their computer.

So far we’ve had no luck getting the 2 machines talking though. I’ve enlisted the help of a few different contractors, but nobody seems to know both sides of the equation… they either know Toshiba OR Asterisk.

My question is, has anyone done this? If so can you shed some light on how to configure the two machines? Do you have a consultant that can help me with the implementation?
