Asterisk Manager Interface does not return anything

I’m installing a new Asterisk box (, and for some reason I am not able to get the manager interface to return anything.

I can login via a telnet on port 5038, I can login and issue commands (I know they are working as I can send a reload, stop now etc commands)

But I get no output back from the Asterisk server except the following

Asterisk Call Manager/1.0
Action: Login
Username: admin
Secret: MyPassword
Events: off

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted

Action: Command
Command: sip show peers

Response: Follows
Privilege: Command

from the CLI I get the following

*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status Realtime
2108644/2108644 D 5060 OK (62 ms)
sipp N 5060 OK (1 ms)
2 sip peers [Monitored: 2 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]

Here is the test I did;

telnet 5038

Action: Login
Username: admin
Secret: MyPassword
Events: off

Action: Command
Command: sip show peers

the /tmp directory did not have write permissions for the user that Asterisk was running under.

When commands are issued via the Asterisk AMI they write the output to /tmp before returning it to the user via port 5038.
