Hello everyone, I am stuck with this error, **file.c:1247 ast_streamfile: Unable to open https://somewhere/my_audio_file.mp3 (format (ulaw)): No such file or directory
**. The file exists but for some reason, the call drops because of that error.
When it comes to a URL you are supposed to use the extension since if not the system has no idea what URL to grab (as opposed to it being locally it can see all the different files available). Are you.
Able to play the file if you have it locally?
Did you try converting it to another format?
Do you see the web server getting the request?
Can you do a dump on port 443 and see if asterisk is making the reuqest?
Also, check if there is a module missing required for playing mp3 files. I have had similar issues in the past and often the cause was a missing module. For example, I see that there is a format_mp3 module in the addons folder, maybe try loading that. The module res_http_media_cache is also needed.
And when I was playing sounds from an URI, I had to specify the extension explicitly, like you did.