i’ve never known callprogress to work in the UK.
what result do you get if you turn callprogress off, and up the busycount to 6 ?
also, why does your incoming context change from “from-bt” to “from-pstn” ?
i’ve never known callprogress to work in the UK.
what result do you get if you turn callprogress off, and up the busycount to 6 ?
also, why does your incoming context change from “from-bt” to “from-pstn” ?
The “from-bt” to “from-pstn” thing was an error from trying out different peoples configurations. I fixed that with no change.
If I turn callprogress off and up the busycount to 6 I still get no end detection on incoming calls.
If I set one line with callprogress=on and another with callprogress=off then I can use one successfully for outgoing calls and the other for incoming calls.
How can I make all the lines use callprogress=on for incoming calls, and off for outgoing?
as far as i know, no you can’t have different settings for incoming and outgoing.
i might have asked you this before, but are you sure you’re getting disconnect supervision ? you could put a meter over the line and watch the polarity reversal as the call starts and is ended. or check with BT and then use the meter anyway
I tried this before. After about 20 calls and being forwarded to every department and cutoff several times…
BT claim not to know what ‘Disconnect Supervision’ or ‘Forward Disconnect’ is.
What they can tell me is that the lines use ‘Loop Disconnect’ with a ‘Disconnection Cleartime of 100ms’
I guess I ought to check it with a meter.
i know … been there, have grey hair as a reward.
when i first started playing with Asterisk, it seemed pretty common for UK users to edit the source for the wctdm/wcfxs modules and change some of the settings for xxx_DEBOUNCE. it’s been a while since i saw anyone do it, but i wonder if it’s worth a go ?
around line 242 of the /usr/src/zaptel/wctdm24xxp.c file is POLARITY_DEBOUNCE.
unfortunately, google doesn’t return any results for what this actually does.
Okay, I’m beginning to suspect I/BT have a hardware problem.
Here’s what I did… (maybe it’ll make some sense to someone else)
I took one of my phone lines. Attached a 2-way splitter to it. Plugged an analogue phone into one socket, and a multi-meter into the other.
The voltage sits nice a stable at around 49.7
I called what I thought was the line I was using from my mobile. The voltage dropped to -49.7 briefly then settled at around 11. A result (I thought).
I used the phone to call my mobile. The voltage remained unchanged throughout the duration of the call. Then I noticed that the number that was calling me was not the number I had called previously dialled. I’d called one of my other numbers by mistake!
I called the correct number (as received by my mobile) from my mobile. The voltage remained unchanged.
So basically If I dial the line I’m testing the voltage remains the same.
But if I dial the line I’m not testing, I get a polarity reversal.
Now I’m really confused.
i just plugged a mains cable into a PC … it went bang. then i read this thread again. i’m as confused as you.
did you see polarity reversal at call end too if you end the call from your mobile ? or a polrev when your outgoing call is answered ?
are these lines configured as a hunt group by BT ? or are they all separate numbers ? i take what’s written on the inside of BT DPs with a pinch of salt nowadays.
These numbers ‘should’ just all be seperate lines on seperate numbers. At least thats what we pay BT for.
Im pretty sure I only got a polarity reversal at the start of the call. Ive put my test kit away now. I’ll double check later on.
I have just realised one mistake tho
I didn’t actually have callerid active on these lines. Is there any chance that could have affected call pickups/terminations ?
Okay, Im not sure If I’d lost my mind last week, or if something has changed. But now both lines are behaving normally.
It seems that I dont get disconnect supervision.
Is this a service you can request?
Is ‘disconnect supervision’ a BT recognised term?
Any idea who in BT to call to get this service added?
Thanks again
disconnect supervision should be words that BT understand. maybe “loop start with disconnect supervision” ?
as it’s business, call your Account Manager @ RHM. they’re usually pretty efficient.
Okay, I think Ive given up on this one for now and decided to use a VOIP trunk for my outgoing calls, which means my old ‘scenario b’ config will work for incoming calls
Just wanted to say thanks again for all the help
i hope your 'net connection is stable. when users get a call drop they don’t like it
it’s a shame you haven’t managed to get to the bottom of this. have you contacted Digium tech support, they may even want to SSH in and have a look for you.