I am trying to integrate asterisk with ChatGPT allowing someone to call and ask a question. I am using asterisk-external-media to get the sound in and out from the call. So far I was able to get the call sound out and send to ChatGPT. My problem is now in inject the sound back to the asterisk call.
I am using some code based on this project asterisk-dialogflow-rtp-audioserver/DialogFlowConnector.js at master · nimbleape/asterisk-dialogflow-rtp-audioserver · GitHub
To test this, I created a simple sound file where I speak some words. This file was created as 16bit signed sampled at 8KHz. Using SOX I am able to listen to the file with this command “play -b 16 -e signed -c 1 -r 8000 ./t2.sln”
When I try to send this sound to the call with the following code, I can bearably hear my voice because there is a lot of noise. I suspect the problem is the way I create the replyAudio buffer but I am a little lost.
My ARI media format is set to “ulaw”
_sendAudioToAsterisk() {
this.log.info('Got audio to play back to asterisk from Custom_connector');
let audio = fs.readFileSync("t2.sln")
this._asteriskConfig = {
audioByteSize: 160,
packetTimestampIncrement: 160,
rtpPayloadType: 0
var replyAudio = new Int16Array(audio.length/2);
for (var i = 0; i < audio.length; i += 2) {
replyAudio[i / 2] = audio.readInt16BE(i);
let audioByteSize = this._asteriskConfig.audioByteSize;
let frames = replyAudio.length / audioByteSize;
let pos = 0;
let type = this._asteriskConfig.rtpPayloadType;
let seq = randomBytes(2).readUInt16BE(0);
let ssrc = randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0);
let timestamp = 0;
let timeouts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < frames+1; i++) {
timeouts.push(setTimeout(() => {
let newpos = pos + audioByteSize;
let buf = replyAudio.slice(pos, newpos);
timestamp = timestamp !== 0 ? timestamp : Date.now() / 1000;
let packet = new Packet(Buffer.from(buf), seq, ssrc, timestamp, type);
timestamp += this._asteriskConfig.packetTimestampIncrement;
try {
} catch (err) {
timeouts.forEach((ref) => {
pos = newpos
}, i * 20));
Thanks for any help