Asterisk seems to register just fine with BroadVoice (asterisk -r, and then sip show registry shows is “Registered”)
…but when I try to call my broadvoice number (from a cell phone), it rings one single time and then says “The party you are trying to reach is not available to take your call.” This doesn’t seem to be an Asterisk message but seems to be coming from someplace else.
What can I be doing wrong? I’ve searched the forums and mailing lists and my config seems to be perfectly fine…
Ahh, sorry. I’ve fixed the context names but it still doesn’t work…
asterisk1*CLI> sip show registry
Host Username Refresh State 5703380128@s 23 Registered
asterisk1*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status
outgoingpstn 5061 OK (17 ms)
1000/1000 D N 5061 Unmonitored
50/50 D N 5060 Unmonitored
21/21 D N 34162 Unmonitored N 5060 Unmonitored
5 sip peers [5 online , 0 offline]
Based on my extensions.conf (context=incoming-bv), wouldn’t the call just be answered?
When I call my BroadVoice number, here is what “sip debug” shows me:
Also, perhaps I should mention that in the Asterisk console, every 20 seconds or so I see this:
“REGISTER attempt 1 to”
It keeps repeating over and over (every 20 seconds or so). Is this normal? “sip show registry” shows broadvoice being “Registered”.
Your asterisk server is returning a 404 Not Found. If you look at the trace you provided, you will see that is shows it “Looking for 5703380128 in incoming-bv.” It is expecting to find an exten 5703380128 in your incoming-bv context in your extensions.conf file.
I have never had an extension the same as my broadvoice number in my dial-plan. In the past I used proxy which used to be Yesterday I noticed that I am no longer getting any incoming calls. I noticed that the dca proxy IP has changed and I had the exact same problem. Adding my broadvoice extension to the dialplan fixed it.
… even though I specifically register to an extension
We had the exact same problem pop up yesterday with our BroadVoice connection. I was really pulling my hair out. I could not imagine what the 404 error would be from when the configuration had not changed.
Thanks SuperB for your post. I saw the “Contact: sip:5703380128@” text in both the sip debug output and in my tcpdump. I just did not realize what it was trying to tell me. It would have been a long time before I guessed that I needed changes to a previously working call plan.