Asterisk 16 - "ari show apps" shows deactivated apps

Hello !!

we’ve been using ARI for the last year working well.
We have a simple cron to check that our ari apps are up and running. So de cron do ari show apps and check that all the apps are there in the result. If the cron checks that one is not in the list (mean is not activated) it opens it.

Since a month (more or less) this stopped working.
Now when we do ari show apps it shows apps activated and apps deactivated.

This is an example:

 Deactivating Stasis app 'incoming-app'
  == WebSocket connection from '' closed
 Deactivating Stasis app 'outgoing-app'
  == WebSocket connection from '' closed
a2*CLI> ari show apps
Application Name

It could be per 2 reasons:

  • Update to Asterisk 16 (before we had Asterisk 15)
  • Asterisk needs some time to refresh that list of ari apps

Any ideas?

Thanks !!

Going further we’ve checked a big difference:


 Deactivating Stasis app 'incoming-app'
 Shutting down application 'incoming-app'
 Destroying Stasis app incoming-app


 Deactivating Stasis app 'incoming-app'

Looks like the app get Deactivated but not Destroyed.
We can’t manage this in the app itself, must be Asterisk related.

I can’t seem to reproduce this under the Asterisk 16 branch:

Creating Stasis app 'hello-world'
  == WebSocket connection from '' for protocol '' accepted using version '13'
 Deactivating Stasis app 'hello-world'
 Shutting down application 'hello-world'
 Destroying Stasis app hello-world
  == WebSocket connection from '' closed

Can you provide more concrete instructions that reproduce it?

We solved it with a simple restart of Asterisk service. After that we couldn’t reproduce it again.

We can’t understand why after deactivating the stasis app it didn’t shutted down or detroyed the app.
Nothing in the logs :slightly_frowning_face:

If this happens again we’ll update this topic.

Thanks Joshua :+1: