Asterisk 14.0.2 opus codec not available

I am compiling asterisk 14.0.2 from source and I understand that the opus codec is available from version 14.0.1 according to this blog but I am unable to select it in make menuselect. How can I install the codec? I ma installing on ubuntu 14.04.

If it’s “XXX”'d out, then you probably don’t have the xmlstarlet dependency installed. You can see what it depends on by moving the cursor to it:

            --- External ---
        [ ] codec_opus
        [ ] codec_silk
        [ ] codec_siren7
        [ ] codec_siren14
        [ ] codec_g729a

   Download the Opus codec from Digium.  See

   Depends on: xmlstarlet(E), bash(E), res_format_attr_opus(M)

You can see it needs the xmlstarlet and bash external dependendies and the res_format_attr_opus resource module.

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