First, I’m completely new in Asterisk .
I followed WebRTC tutorial using SIPML5 at wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/ … ing+SIPML5.
I use Asterisk 12.3.2 on Debian. When I used 101 identity (by latest page update of pjsip.conf), I couldn’t have login (if 101 is identity of course).
When I logged in with identity 6001 and tried to make audio call, I got warning in server console:
WARNING[6979][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:10648 process_sdp: Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer
I tried to add these lines in sip.conf 6001 section:
But I got this log in server console and no sound was played:
[Jul 9 07:36:31] WARNING[7319][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:11172 process_sdp_a_dtls: Unsupported fingerprint hash type 'sha-2' received on dialog '1dcedee4-8748-dd12-d9df-9163eeedaac1'
-- Executing [1000@from-internal:1] Answer("SIP/6001-00000000", "") in new stack
[Jul 9 07:36:31] ERROR[7279]: pjsip:0 <?>: icess0x27f3cc8 ..Error sending STUN request: Invalid argument
-- Executing [1000@from-internal:2] Playback("SIP/6001-00000000", "demo-congrats") in new stack
-- <SIP/6001-00000000> Playing 'demo-congrats.slin' (language 'en')
-- Executing [1000@from-internal:3] Hangup("SIP/6001-00000000", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-internal, 1000, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6001-00000000'
Also, there was an error in Chrome console:
Seems that bug fix issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-22961 isn’t applied in Asterisk 12.3.2.
I downloaded it from downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telep … ent.tar.gz.
At least, definition of AST_RTP_DTLS_HASH_SHA256 in include/asterisk/rtp_engine.h file is missing.
[ul][]How can I apply patch to accept SHA-256 fingerprint to Asterisk 12.3.2?[/]
[]What is correct configuration for WebRTC. Is dtlsenable=yes parameter missing in sip.conf?[/]
[]What exactly 101 section in pjsip.conf means? Is it identity? I tried to change it also with 6001 and all references, but didn’t managed to hear audio for sample.[/][/ul]
Thanks for any suggestions.