Hi, I have a new install of Asterisk 1.8. The server I am using has 4 network connections
Each wan connection is a dedicated DSL connection for voice. The reason there are 3 is the amount of simultaneous calls required will need more bandwidth then 1dsl connection can handle. We would usually drop in a T1 or fiber, but these option are not available at this site. I would like to start by grabbing trunks from connection 4 then 3 then 2. I would like to set a call limit of 8 call per connection. I was looking at the SIP/devicename/Extension/IPorHost option in 1.8, but am not exactly sure how it works. Since my Sip provider gateway address will be the same for all 3 trunks how can I specify which gateway to use for calls based on a call-limit.
The provider says for inbound they will deliver calls via connection 1 and one they receive a “busy here” from asterisk they will move to connection 2 and then 3
I need some help with a sample sip.conf and extensions.conf.
Thank you,