AMI Originate Outgoing Call Status response

Hello Team,

I have written AMI Originate code in PHP, Everything is working fine except one thing Call Status response in PHP Code.

Let me brief you the requirement, When I hit AMI code in the browser it make outbound call to the user phone, if user cancel / accept the incoming call then browser show call status either NO ANSWER/ ANSWERED.

Below is My Code :


if (true){
	$asterisk_ip    =   'localhost';
	$calling_number =   $_REQUEST['calling_number'];
	$user           =   'USER';
	$pass           =   'PASSWORD';
	$channel        =   '@outbound';
	$called_exten   =   'XXXXXXX'; 
	$id             =   $_REQUEST['id'];
	if ( ! empty( $calling_number ) ){
		$timeout = 10;
		$socket = fsockopen($asterisk_ip,"5038", $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
		fputs($socket, "Action: Login\r\n");
		fputs($socket, "UserName: $user\r\n");
		fputs($socket, "Secret: $pass\r\n\r\n");
		fputs($socket, "Action: Originate\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Channel: Local/$calling_number@outbound-ami-status/n\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Exten: $calling_number\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Context: outbound\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Priority: 1\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Callerid: XXXXXXX\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "WaitTime: 5\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Variable: web_lead_id=$id\r\n");
		fputs($socket, "Async: true\r\n" );
		fputs($socket, "Action: logoff\r\n\r\n" );
			$wrets .= fread($socket, 128);
	} else{
		echo "Unable to determine number from (" . $_REQUEST['calling_number'] . ")\r\n";
} else{
	echo "Please Enter Correct Customer Mobile Number";

Please help on this if something I missed to add here in the code please advice.

I believe we need to do some changes in this code only

	$wrets .= fread($socket, 128);

Awaiting for your response.

Any one please help and suggest

You need to read and parse the responses. You may need to read and parse unsolicited events, or explicitly read variables.

@david551 : If possible can you please share the sample code and change this code if possible , I am getting response in STRING format do you have any idea how to get status in json format

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