I am using AMI via a php page to originate calls to my cell phone, and I am finding the same caller ID is being used for both legs of the call, this is bad.
Is there a way to call my exten, and send the recipients CID to me, then call the recipient, and send them some other static CID.
I have set my channel to receive the call as:
I think the channel is where I need to manipulate the CID, then set a different static CID in the “CallerID” variable below.
$strName = $_POST['txtname'];
$strExten = $_POST['txtphonenumber'];
$callNumber = $strExten;
#specify the caller id for the call
$strCallerId = "Web-".$strName . " <$callNumber>";
$oSocket = fsockopen($strHost, 5038, $errnum, $errdesc) or die("Connection to host failed");
fputs($oSocket, "Action: login\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Events: off\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Username: $strUser\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Secret: $strSecret\r\n\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Action: originate\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Channel: $strChannel\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "WaitTime: $strWaitTime\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "CallerId: $strCallerId\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Exten: $strExten\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Context: $strContext\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Priority: 1\r\n\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n");
If the recipient is a cell phone, the cell phone thinks it is getting a call from itself and prompts for the voicemail login - this is bad.
I can set the callerID to be some other static number (cannot be my own since it is also a cell), but I need it to display that static number to the caller, and show me the “strExten” variable as CallerID.