AMI Event filtering


What am I doing wrong with manager.conf ?
I’m trying to avoid receiving events CEL, AGIExecStart, AGIExecEnd

My manager.conf looks like that :

secret = mysecret
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,dialplan,originate,agi,cc,aoc,all
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,dialplan,originate,agi,cc,aoc,all

eventfilter(action(exclude),name(CEL)) =
eventfilter(action(exclude),name(AGIExecStart)) =
eventfilter(action(exclude),name(AGIExecEnd)) =
eventfilter(action(exclude),name(RTCPSent)) =
eventfilter(action(exclude),name(RTCPReceived)) =


But I still get those events

Thank you

The new eventfilter stuff has been committed to the 18,20,21,22 and master branches but isn’t in the latest RCs or any other release. Can you confirm that you’re running an asterisk version built from those branches?

Oh, the other thing to check is that if you’ve changed manager.conf and done a manager reload, you MUST disconnect the AMI client and reconnect it for filter changes to take effect.

Thank you

I was aware of the manager reload and the relogin need

I use 21.4.1
So I need to wait until 21.5 is out

Thank you for your reply

Actually, it’ll be 21.6. We were already in the release candidate cycle for 21.5 when this enhancement was merged.

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