Hi guys,
I have an Alcatel 4200 with a ISDN board pluged in the asterisk server with TE110P.
Input calls
VOIP Proider —> Asterisk —> Alcatel
Output Calls
VOIP Proider <— Asterisk <— Alcatel
In alcatel phones, users should dial 2 for take a line tone and can dial. At this point start my problems:
When users dial 2 on phone (alcatel) they don’t received a dial tone, only receive a ocuped tone;
When users make step one, in asterisk console i received this message:
!! Unexpected Channel selection 3
– Extension ‘’ in context ‘default’ from ‘027’ does not exist. Rejecting call on channel 0/31, span 1
If i configure in alcatel short dialing such: if user dial 3020 alcatel sent do asterisk a block number 31122332. In this case works fine.
How i can solve this problem ??
Bellow i list my extension.conf
Internal Calls
Input Calls
exten=> 312120XX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:-4})
exten=> 312120XX,2,Hangup
External Calls
exten=> _XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@voipprovider,60,Tt) # Local calls
exten=> _XXXXXXXX,2,Hangup
exten=> _0XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@voipprovider,60,Tt) # Long distance Calls
exten=> _0XXXXXXXXXX,2Hangup
exten=> _00XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@voipprovider,60,Tt) # Internacional Calls
exten=> _00XXXXXXXXXX,2Hangup
Frederico Madeira