Hi Are you sure its depreciated ? as no mention in of it being so.
and I use it on all systems to set the ring cadence of sets and its working fine.
[code] -= Info about application ‘SIPAddHeader’ =-
Add a SIP header to the outbound call
SIPAddHeader(Header: Content)
Adds a header to a SIP call placed with DIAL.
Remember to user the X-header if you are adding non-standard SIP
headers, like “X-Asterisk-Accountcode:”. Use this with care.
Adding the wrong headers may jeopardize the SIP dialog.
Always returns 0
We use P-Asserted headers when sending calls to MCI. Here’s code that works for us and we’ve used this for both 1.2 and 1.4. The ${MCI-SIP} expands to an IP address on MCI’s network. This is a snip from an outbound configuration for a particular customer; we use asterisk for a hosted PBX service. One day it will all be stored in MySQL…sigh.
We did a ‘sip debug’ and see that it is indeed adding the header, so it appears Asterisk is doing its thing. Just need to figure out the Avaya side now…